Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Best Gift a NaNo Writer Could Ask For

So my birthday was last week but I didn't see one of my sisters until yesterday when she gave me this....
Pretty box :)

What's with that are you wondering? I mean its nice a nice box does it really have anything to do with writing? This is a writing blog after all. 

So why am I talking about it here? I'll show you....
Whats this? Lots of little presents?

In case you can't read that....
Emergency NaNoWriMo Survival Kit!

Yes my wonderful, brilliant, creative, inventive, and just plain cool sister made me a NaNo Survival kit. There's one for every day of the month...
(I love all the different papers by the way)

With a special note for each day....
Day one's note

And inside? Well I don't know about all of them, I promised to wait until the right day, but here's the first two...
Mini Oreos  and chocolate in Day 2

What writer doesn't need a snack once in awhile? Seriously food is very encouraging...
Day 1, I already ate those cookies :)

My whole family is being really supportive of my writing and NaNoWriMo but I have to say, my third sister really had the most creative way of showing it :)
I can't wait to open the next one!


  1. That is so sweet and awesome of her! Wonderful idea!

  2. What a thoughtful and creative sister you have! Very nice.

  3. That's so sweet and creative! I am a NaNoer, but that doesn't mean I can't make a NaNo kit for my other friends!


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