Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 2: The Long and Short of It

Well day one is behind us, some of us made our word count, some of us slept in, forgot the date, or hid in our closets panicking because we had no idea what to write…er any way.

If you made your word count then I commend you and your excessive wordiness. You have written and written much! This is good very good and lovely and wonderful and splendid and all that is really, really cool! More so if you went above and beyond the call of National Novel Writing Month (aka: NaNoWriMo) and wrote more than the required and prescribed 1,665 words, (that is one thousand, six hundred and sixty five words) indicated beside the recommended word count.

If on the other hand you fell short for whatever reason I charge you not to despair, but perhaps to take a few notes on my previous paragraph? It can be amazingly fun to ramble on and indulge tangents and run on sentences. It’s also fun to use big words but it should be noted that long words and short words are counted exactly the same way by your computer so it really doesn’t make much difference at this point.

In any case it’s a new day and that means more words to write. Are you having fun yet? Or are you feeling, maybe a little, out of your depth?



  1. Thanks for these posts. Just the kind of motivation I need to pick up the pen. I'm a day late... still looking for my "first word"!

    1. I'm glad to help :) Last year I know I really need stuff like this to keep me going and there were never enough! Good luck find those words, I'm sure it won't take you long to catch up once you get started.


Please keep the language clean, thank you!

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