Friday, October 18, 2013

Rita, Meet NaNoWriMo

Its Sunday, November 4th, 2012 and there’s an email waiting for me. Its from my sister; dated November 2nd. The subject line reads: National Novel Writing Month. I don’t have a clue what that means and the enclosed link address,  means even less. I click it and a few hours later I’m signed up for the craziest journey of my life.

The next day I started working on a Redwall fanfiction ‘novel’ that I’d brainstormed a few months before as an exercise. I wrote like crazy and made up for my late start just past the mid month mark. I finished out with 50,111 words: more then I’d ever written on one project before.

It was one of the best things I’ve ever done and I learned so much that month. The most important thing I learned was that I could write, even when I didn’t feel like it, and that even when I was uninspired my writing could still surprise me.

Even with winning NaNo I still didn’t get close to finishing my story and this year I’m picking it up again and hoping to make it through to the climax by the end of next month. I have a lot of original story ideas and I had thought of doing one of them but this story really needs to get told first. That makes me a NaNoRebel I guess. They say that continuing a story is harder then starting new for NaNo and but I’m going to go for it any way.

About my upcoming  November posts

Last year one of the things that helped me the most was reading pep talks, both the official NaNoWriMo ones and those supplied by fellow NaNo writers on one of the boards. I needed them all the time and while I was grateful for every one of them there were never enough.

That’s actually why I started this blog, well one of the reasons. A few months ago I came up with this idea of posting my own pep-talks for November. I started stockpiling them and I’ve almost got enough for one a day for the whole month. I’m hoping to get even more ready  in the next few weeks and get them set up for automatic posting.

Most of them are written with writers like me in mind, writers doing NaNoWriMo for the first or second time. Some of them are advice and some are just a reminder to keep at it. All of them are for me as much as anyone else but I am hoping that they’ll give other writers a push as well.

If anyone else has plans for posting NaNoWriMo Pep-talks or has a story about how they first found out about it I would love to hear about it.

~ Rita (Thanks for reading through this ramble-y post of mine, it sorta got out a hand.)


  1. I first heard about it on the radio, back in 2004. I thought, "I could never do that!"
    This is my third year...
    Good luck!

    1. It does sound kinda crazy, I think at the time I was too naive about what it actually entailed to really know what I was getting into. By the time I did I was hooked.

      Good Luck to you too :)


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